Friday, December 15, 2006

Mi Buenos Aires Querido . . .

Un año ha pasado desde que aterricé en tus tierras con Paulette.
Un año y se extraña.

Last night I dreamed I was there. I had taken a blitz flight leaving everything here, and I felt I had never left.
Suddenly, rowing with my Mom in the Tigre I started talking to her about how beautiful is to leave and be back, but suddenly I remembered in the dream, that I had my life in Baltimore, with my house, my puppy, my love. How to make both compatible?
How to be part of both sides at the same time?
Being in BA I had the revelation that I would miss my life in the northen region.
And as it happened just a couple of time before in dreams, I started to dream solutions, try scenarios, try alternatives.

I just remember one, because it came as a surprise: live 6 months in each place!!!

How can I do it?
Which season to pick? Summer-Summer? Winter-Winter?

I love these dreams. I have a glympse of what it would be like to live as an Athshean, in Ursula LeGuin's "The Word for World is Forest"

more on the Athsheans:
more on Ursula:

...cuando yo te vuelva a ver!!!

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